

The diagnostics module has classes and functions to examine the fit of OLS models and the extreme observations in datasets.

The main class is the BadApples class, which consumes an OLS model object and is used to examine the outliers, high-leverage points and influential points in a model. In essence it is used to examine the 'bad apples' that may be stinking up a model's results.

The main methods are:

  • variance_inflation_factors
  • heteroskedasticity_test
  • partial_regression_plot
  • wald_test

There are also methods for diagnostic plots such as pp_plot but they are exposed more conveniently in an OLS model object method:

  • pp_plot: P-P plot
  • qq_plot: Q-Q plot
  • rvf_plot: plot of residuals against fitted values
  • rvp_plot: plot of residuals against values of a predictor


The 10 Minutes To Appelpy notebook fits a BadApples instance, consuming a model of the California Test Score dataset.

  • Binder: interactive experience of the 10 Minutes to Appelpy tutorial via Binder.
  • nbviewer: static render of the 10 Minutes to Appelpy notebook.
from appelpy.diagnostics import BadApples
bad_apples = BadApples(model_hc1).fit()


  • Measures: measures_influence, measures_leverage and measures_outliers.
  • Indices: indices_high_influence, indices_high_leverage and indices_outliers.


  • dfbeta (for each independent variable): DFBETA diagnostic. Extreme if val > 2 / sqrt(n)
  • dffits (for each independent variable): DFFITS diagnostic. Extreme if val > 2 * sqrt(k / n)
  • cooks_d: Cook's distance. Extreme if val > 4 / n


  • leverage: value from hat matrix diagonal. Extreme if val > (2*k + 2) / n


  • resid_standardized: standardized residual. Extreme if |val| > 2, i.e. approx. 5% of observations will be flagged.
  • resid_studentized: studentized residual. Extreme if |val| > 2, i.e. approx. 5% of observations will be flagged.


The plot_leverage_vs_residuals_squared method plots leverage values (y-axis) against the residuals squared (x-axis). The plot can be annotated with the index values.

Variance inflation factors

The variance_inflation_factors method takes a dataframe and calculates the variance inflation factors of its regressors.

Heteroskedasticity test

The heteroskedasticity_test method takes an OLS model object and returns the results of a heteroskedasticity test (the test statistic and p-value). Examples of heteroskedasticity tests include:

  • Breusch-Pagan test (breusch_pagan)
  • Breusch-Pagan studentized test (breusch_pagan_studentized)
  • White test (white)

The 10 Minutes To Appelpy notebook shows the results of heteroskedasticity tests, given a model fitted to the California Test Score dataset.

  • Binder: interactive experience of the 10 Minutes to Appelpy tutorial via Binder.
  • nbviewer: static render of the 10 Minutes to Appelpy notebook.

Here is a code snippet for a heteroskedasticity test - print statements to show test information returned from the function call.

from appelpy.diagnostics import heteroskedasticity_test

bps_stats = heteroskedasticity_test('breusch_pagan_studentized', model_nonrobust)
print('Breusch-Pagan test (studentized) :: {}'.format(bps_stats['distribution'] + '({})'.format(bps_stats['nu'])))
print('Test statistic: {:.4f}'.format(bps_stats['test_stat']))
print('Test p-value: {:.4f}'.format(bps_stats['p_value']))

Partial regression plot

Also known as the added variable plot, the partial regression plot shows the effect of adding another regressor (independent variable) to a regression model.

The method requires these parameters:

  • appelpy_model_object: a fitted OLS model object.
  • df: the dataframe used in the model.
  • regressor: the additional variable in the partial regression.

Wald test

The Wald test lets you do joint testing of hypotheses, e.g.

  • Are the coefficients of dummy columns for a categorical variable significantly different from 0?
  • Is the difference between two regressor coefficients, e.g. beta_u - beta_v, significantly different from 2?

Pass a list of variables to the function for straightforward joint hypothesis testing of whether a coefficient is significantly different from zero.

Pass a dict for testing of hypotheses against non-zero scalars, where the values are scalars and the keys are either strings or two-item tuples e.g.

hypotheses_object = {('col_u', 'col_v'): 2}  # for the difference between two coefficients
hypotheses_object = {'col_a' : 2}  # for equality of coefficient to a scalar value